Prevent fraud and increase conversion

Proven risk & fraud management platform

Talk to us

It is time to apply this technology if ...

  • Your Affiliates are sending traffic that leads to the high chargeback ratio
  • You have no control over the new fraud patterns
  • Friendly fraud, scammer attacks and identity fraud is also a case
  • Current tools are not flexible enough and drop the conversion
  • You want to use all in-house data to precise user scoring, maximize revenue and decrease fraud alerts

Our features

Rule management system

  • No more hard-coded rules! Our functionality allows to incorporate your crucial in-house data and apply rules to reproduce any user behavior patterns like mismatched name/gender, auto-generated email, device anomalies, previously not seen location, etc.

Dictionary features

  • Upload and use any list of data like the high-risk countries/BINs, new affiliates, suspicious email domains, up-sale products and etc.

Aggregate features

  • Make calculations to fight fraud more effectively, i.e. number of direct registrations within 24 hours, user spent amount this month, average number of consecutive risky declines.

Complex features

  • Run deep analysis based on the combination of various features and receive a valuable information like affiliate reg-to-pay ratio today, product chargeback ratio, dynamic user thresholds and many others.


  • Use our Global Reputation Network inspired by blockchain technology for more precise user scoring based on historical and real-time user behavior collected within the dating industry and at a global scale.

Custom features

  • Upload and use any list of data like the high-risk countries/BINs, new affiliates, suspicious email domains, up-sale products and etc.

Machine learning engine

  • Use the power of artificial intelligence and the best-in-class algorithms to dive deeper into your issues and prevent more fraud. Functionality to create custom models and use them in any variation inside the rule management system.

Customer retention & revenue increase

  • Recognize your valuable and high-net worth users with our flexible scoring model and increase your revenue by offering an up-sale or any other marketing activities at the right period of time to the right user.

Automated business flows

  • Create a personalized user experience and trigger a business process that is more applicable for your clients.

Accumulated knowledge from all customers enables making the right decisions even in the complete absence of information in the individual chain

Individual Trustchain

Individual Trustchain

analyzes user actions for each customer separately and builds the reputation profiles based on them

Industry Trustchain

Industry Trustchain

includes all reputation knowledge about users’ actions within a specific industry

Global Trustchain

Global Trustchain

is the aggregation of data from all of the industries to compile the global view of users

  • 7+ Years

    in the dating space

  • Billion

    user actions analyzed

  • 250 Million

    risky actions prevented

  • 1.5+ Billion

    user reputation records in Trustchain

Ready to reduce fraud and increase revenue?

Complete the form and we will contact you asap